Everyday Enterprise Security Risks

Nishi Agrawal
4 min readMar 2, 2020


The present cybersecurity atmosphere requires a sound comprehension of security hazards over your undertaking IT framework from dangers both outside and inside your organization. While external threats tend to be the most alarming and likely account for the number of deadly attacks, internal attacks as per SpectorSoft have cost companies a reported $40bn in 2013. Some organizations will say that they have a comprehensive safety strategy but how many of these basic security dangers are addressed by your IT department?

Applet viewers

Applet viewers pose a considerable risk to safety. It’s a must for all IT organizations to remove the use of applet viewers and switch to an HTML 5 server.

Using deprecated hash algorithms in SSL certificates

As innovation develops, it is basic to remain in front of the individuals who wish to overcome cryptographic advancements and utilizing appropriate hash calculations in SSL certificates is basic. SHA-1 is an obsolete hash algorithm that should not be used within any organization, and all certificates must use SHA-256.

Make sure your infrastructure is up to date with patches and fix packs

Many organizations take an attitude to “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it” when it comes to software variant upgrades, but low-sighted thought can cause trouble. Without routine maintenance of all your platform’s parts, releases that contain significant security fixes and significant user-facing updates that involve complex, multi-version upgrades that leave your company fragile as you struggle to finish the fix. Daily Web Server, Load Balancers, Application Servers, Operating Systems, and Java maintenance is vital to keeping the company running properly for safety.

Bypassing SSL and creating security holes into your organization

If you leave the house you will not lock the front door while keeping your back door open simultaneously, so why do certain companies permit people to access SSL in their production systems? SSL only works if you secure information on all levels of your network, otherwise you expose the security flaws in your system and eventually allow HTTP session trashing with a minor change in the URL.

Guessing document versions

Current Enterprise Content Management systems often use Globally Unique Identifier as identification documents, but operating systems may have used a numerical series to produce their document ids. In fact, both FileNet Image Services and IBM Content Manager use numbers to define a document in some way. Worse, the legacy systems generally fail to enforce protection at the document level. This means that a programmer (link) of the URL could be able to access absurd documents by simply observing document Id 12345677 and then altering the URL to 1234578. This can be a huge issue for all systems that contain confidential information, and this is a significant risk of compliance with HIPAA for systems that contain health records.

Poor password and access policies

Shared app or database IDs; providing users with access to services they don’t really need; and processing file encryption keys, default credentials, and passwords are all instances of shaky policies that let go security. Administrative accounts are the centerpiece for malicious people looking for unauthorized access to a system and shared application or database IDs are a point of failure for the safety of your overall system. Clients should just approach the things they need, and feeble access strategies can open delicate information to individuals that needn’t bother with access to it. On a comparable point, passwords ought not be given to operating systems clients that don’t totally require them. At long last, putting away insider facts where they might be promptly open to adroit people who can get to the documents on your web server is NEVER a smart thought. Items like Vault are a decent method to make solid secret key and access arrangements simple to implement.

Virus-laden downloads and committed documents

Every representative is responsible for their own workstation, and downloads to their PC can represent a security risk to your whole organization. Regardless of how a virus is downloaded, you’re fortunate if the harm is contained to that solitary individual’s PC. This can be minimized by HTML5 viewers that make document downloading pointless, but this hazard can only be managed by adequate network separation.

Logging of personally identifiable information (PII) in trace logs

Sure, trace documentation correctly helps you recognize environmental issues, but PII is confidential information that should NEVER be found in trace logs. Growing logging levels to solve a problem will most likely lead to this threat mistakenly. When the PII is in your logs, removal without deleting all trace logs of your organization can become very challenging. Proposed steps should be taken by developers and administrators to ensure the PII is never logged, even inadvertently.

Prod vs Dev Clarity

Errors arise in order to limit the costs of a rebuild or an academically fallen database table, and proper isolation of your system. With specific design changes and consistent distinction between your office and production system, failures at DEV have little effect on your real data and customers.

Defining, recognizing and handling risky behavior

The inside attacks are very expensive for organizations and the defense of such attacks requires the definition, recognition and treatment of risky behavior of your organization. The PWC workers who committed cybercrime displayed suspicious activity in advance and you may be able to prevent insider assault before you have a plan to manage the behavior.



Nishi Agrawal

Management Student, Digital Marketing Enthusiastic Interested in Web Security and Internet topics. Young Mind with creative thinking capabilities.